Our Commitment to the Community and the Racing Industry

A large part of the Stable of Stars philosophy centres around ‘giving back’. The program itself aims at giving a lot to the members and the general public but we also want to ‘give back’ to local communities and the racing industry itself.

To facilitate this, Stable of Stars will be donating $60 per member per year (20% of the Individual Monthly Membership Fees) back to these types of organisations. This will be done in the following way:

Local Communities

  • 50% of this donation amount will be directed to specific community groups, sporting clubs, registered clubs etc in recognition of their assistance in helping us with member acquisition
  • Additionally:
  • Each time a Stable of Stars horse is contesting a race on a raceday – no matter the location, Stable of Stars will donate a Partnership Parcel on the day to a nominated community group…OR we may decide to ‘gift’ a 1% Partnership Parcel to a variety of organisations for the racing life of each horse
  • OR
  • Our wagering partner will help us to support the community groups by arranging a large bet to be placed on the Stable of Stars horse – with all proceeds being donated to the community organisation selected for that day
  • Eligible Community Groups may be:
  • Charities
  • Not-For-Profit Community Groups
  • Community Sporting Clubs
  • Corporates / Professional Sporting Clubs who pledge to provide any donation from Stable of Stars to a Not For Profit Organisation
  • This aspect of Stable of Stars also allows many opportunities for Stable of Stars to engage with these types of groups prior to and on the race day
  • There may be opportunities to invite members of their own organisation to the race day
  • There may also be opportunities for liaison between the group / Stable of Stars / and the Race Club concerned for the group to engage in fund-raising activities on the day

Racing-Specific Groups

  • 50% of this donation amount will be directed to racing-specific charities, groups, Not For Profits etc. Upon registering as an Individual or Business Member, members will be asked to nominate (from a select list) the organisation that they would like us to support
  • Additionally:
  • Every time a Stable of Stars horse is included into the program a racing-specific charity / group shall be selected and Stable of Stars shall donate a Partnership Parcel to that organisation.
  • OR
  • Our wagering partner will help us to support the racing-related groups by arranging a large bet to be placed on the Stable of Stars horse – with all proceeds being donated to the racing-related group selected for that day
  • Eligible Racing-Specific Groups may be:
  • Jockeys Trust (National or State-based)
  • Not-For-Profit Racing Groups / Organisations
  • Equine Welfare Groups
  • Re-homing Not For Profit Organisations
  • Off the track groups
  • Alternatively we may decide to support a limited number of racing-specific charities and donate a Partnership Parcel in selected horses to each of these organisations for the racing life of the racehorse
  • Additionally, it may be appropriate to select one beneficiary to match with every racehorse in the program from each particular state – e.g. Living legends may be an appropriate partner for all hoses that we have based in Victoria.  Those selections can be formalised at the time of the first racehorse entering the program

If you haven’t already registered as a RACING ROYALTY Member then you can do so FOR FREE by clicking ‘REGISTER NOW‘ below.